TESTPrueba de Nivel Dynamic School

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Prueba de Nivel Inglés


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1 / 51

Please write a description of yourself wsing no more than 100 words.

2 / 51

Carl's very ........ . He`s never later, and he nerver forgets to do things.

3 / 51

We stayed in a lovely villa ....... the sea.

4 / 51

Not until the 1980s ....... for the average person to own a computer.

5 / 51

Jan ....... her arm on a hot iron

6 / 51

Tomorrow's a holiday, so we ....... go to work.

7 / 51

I usually ....... swimming at least once a week.

8 / 51

My friend Siena ........ to Russia last year.

9 / 51

This is ....... area, with a lot of factories and warehouses.

10 / 51

If I ....... well in my exams, I ....... to university.

11 / 51

She was so upset that she burst ....... tears.

12 / 51

Where did you go ....... holiday last year?

13 / 51

Ocean currents ....... play an important part in regulating global climate.

14 / 51

My cousin ....... getting a job in Bahrain.

15 / 51

I can`t ....... your hair, because I haven`t  got any scissors.

16 / 51

I wish I ........ have an exam tomorrow!

17 / 51

The government plans to ....... taxes on sales of luxury items.

18 / 51

When I first moved to Hong Kong, life in a different country was very strange, but now I`m used ....... here.

19 / 51

There ....... milk in the fridge.

20 / 51

Criminals are people who are guilty of ....... the law.

21 / 51

Why on earth isn`t Josh here yet? ....... for him for over an hour!

22 / 51

"It's pouring down, and it's freezing."
What are the weather conditions?

23 / 51

....... feeling OK? You don't look very well.

24 / 51

Daniel's hair is getting far too long; he should ....... soon.

25 / 51

Mandy works for a computer software company. She got ....... recently, and so now she's an are manager.

26 / 51

I can't hear you - it's ....... noisy in here.

27 / 51

Jamal has just sent me ....... to arrange plans for this weekend.

28 / 51

I promise I'll call you as soon as I ....... .

29 / 51

Photographers and designers need to be very ....... .

30 / 51

The global financial crisis, ....... is forcing lots of small businesses to close, does not look set to end soon.

31 / 51

There ....... a terrible accident if the pilot hadn't reacted so quickly.

32 / 51

"Are you ready to order?"
"Not yet - I'm still looking at the ........ ."

33 / 51

"My job is never boring."
The speaker's job is always ....... .

34 / 51

I've been working here ....... about the last two years.

35 / 51

I`m 18 and my brother is 20, so he`s ....... me.

36 / 51

I went to a lovely ....... last Saturday.
The bride was my best friend when we were at school.

37 / 51

"It leaves from Platform 2 at 4.15."
The speaker is talking about ....... .

38 / 51

This used to be ....... part of the city, but since the old buildings were renovated it's become a very fashionable area.

39 / 51

I'm surprised you didn't get upset. If someone said that to me, ....... really angry.

40 / 51

She won a seat in parliament at the las ........ .

41 / 51

The patient had an ....... to insert metal pins in his broken leg.

42 / 51

"I've got a headache."
"Maybe you ....... to take an aspirin."

43 / 51

The maths problem was really difficult and I just couldn't ....... the answer.

44 / 51

Researchers claim the new discovery is a major ....... in the fight against malaria.

45 / 51

Do you want ....... the match tonight?

46 / 51

In the 1960s, computers were ....... expensive that ordinary people couldn't afford them.

47 / 51

Cassie went to bed early because she was ....... .

48 / 51

Cats and dogs are usually kept as ....... .

49 / 51

....... worries me about society today is how completely we have come to depend on technology.

50 / 51

A local politician has ....... charges of corruption made by the opposition party.

51 / 51

When I was a child, I never ....... about the future.

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La puntuación media es 55%
